
Dreams Fertility

What Can Semen Analysis Tell You About Your Fertility Options?

What Can Semen Analysis Tell You About Your Fertility Options?

The global incidence of infertility is about 8% to 12% (72.4 million couples experience it), out of which about 50% of infertility issues stem from suboptimal male factor parameters. In a society that highly values the process of child-bearing, infertility has psychological, financial, and physical repercussions, which can cause anguish and stress in couples who … Read more

Coping with Infertility: Why Your Mental Health Plays A Key Role In Your Fertility Journey

Coping with Infertility: Why Your Mental Health Plays A Key Role In Your Fertility Journey

Infertility can be a stressful experience. Not being able to achieve pregnancy through natural means and not having the experience of parenthood can be a challenging phase in a couple’s life. In almost all cases, infertility, and the eventual treatment to achieve pregnancy, can cause stress, which, if left unchecked, may cause severe mental issues, … Read more